FSTD Extended Evaluation for Operators

This course is a JAA Training Organisation course, instruction given by a Clément Aviation Academy instructor.

The evaluation of Flight Simulation Training Device(s) (FSTD) is normally performed by the Competent Authority within a 12-month period. Current Aircrew Regulation ORA.FSTD.225(b) allows for FSTD Qualification Certificate Holders (Operators) to apply for an extended evaluation period whereby operators are allowed to extend recurrent FSTD evaluations up to 24 or 36 months. To achieve such extension the operator must prove a robust CMS and implement processes to self-evaluate its own device(s) under EASA’s performance-based approach.

With a robust compliance system in place, FSTD operators can contribute to the validity system more independently extending the knowledge base to the market.

FSTD Operators able to apply ORA.FSTD.225(b) on extended validity benefit from cost savings in the (recurrent) evaluation process while also increasing their organisational reputation. Enabled operators can use their self-admin capabilities to strengthen their own FSTD system boasting highly skilled inhouse staff and benchmarking against industry competitors.

16 – 18 December 2024, classroom Amsterdam Schiphol
10 – 12 March 2025, classroom Amsterdam Schiphol
02 – 04 June 2025, classroom Amsterdam Schiphol
01 – 03 September 2025, virtual classroom
01 – 03 December 2025, classroom Amsterdam Schiphol

Price is €1.710,- per participant

Please book your session via this link. 

Course Content

This course explains such processes to obtain evaluation extensions using standards and procedures followed by Aviation Authorities performing recurrent evaluations. Some variations apply.
The training will incorporate content from FSTD evaluation courses for operators, more specifically regulation on extended evaluation ORA.FSTD.225(b).

Participants learn to develop an acceptable dossier in accordance with GM3 ORA.FSTD.100(d).

This course will be delivered in 3 Units:

  • Regulatory guidelines and requirements
  • Internal self-evaluation process and procedures
  • Objective and subjective tests analysis

Specific training for QTG analysis on recurrent evaluations, reporting, dossier generation, functions and subjective tests checks will be given.

1. Regulatory guidelines and applicable requirements
1.1.  Basic Regulation: covering policies under EU no 2018/1139
1.2.  Air Crew Regulation: understanding the general requirements under 1178/2011
1.3.  Part ARA, Part ORA: understanding specific items in Part ARA, understanding all items in Part ORA and ORA.FSTD.225
1.4.  CS FSTD A: fully understanding requirements and means of compliance

2. Specific internal self-evaluation process and procedures
2.1.  Process definition: defining internal process needed and process for selecting and qualifying internal staff
2.2.  Procedures development: developing specific procedures to comply with high-level process following ORA.FSTD.225 requirements; writing of procedures, checklists and reports
2.3.  Elements needed for a CMS in a FSTD operation: understanding of previous internal procedures to run QTG, function and subjective tests, preventive and corrective maintenance, DR management, configuration control and statistics

3. Objective and subjective tests analysis
3.1.  Objective Tests: fully understand how to analyse an objective test
3.2.  Subjective Tests: fully understand how to analyse a subjective test
3.3.  MQTG: fully understand information contained in a MQTG and how to maintain/update

Learning Objectives

The training educates participants with the necessary knowledge and performance-based approach to be able to self-evaluate own FSTDs to justify application for and extended validity period to responsible competent authorities/CAAs/NAAs.

The course will offer an education on FSTD extensions for organisations seeking to set up the system and FI/TI responsible staff able to develop validity extension submission to the authority.

Who should take this course

This training is ideal for FSTD Operators and ATOs operating FSTDs. Staff include simulator technicians, technical managers/instructors, flight instructors, compliance and safety managers, and auditors.

Note: For successful self-evaluation and extension approval, at least one TI and one FI are needed to set up the process in the organisation.


Organisations and staff currently working on a FSTD operation including simulator technicians, technical managers, flight instructors with CS-FSTD knowledge and FSTD operational experience.


3 days - each day will commence at 09:00 and finish at 17:00, with appropriate refreshment breaks.


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